Voice In Product Update - July 2022

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This shouldn’t surprise you, but I spend a lot of time reading customers’ feedback via various channels about Voice In. Know what one of the most surprising requests is? Ability to try Voice In Plus via a free trial. The complexity of chrome extensions makes free trials hard to implement. At long last, we now offer a free trial for Voice In Plus.

If you or someone you know wants to try Voice In, check out the 5-day free trial for Voice In Plus.

Voice In Education Program

Voice In Education Program

Voice In Education Program offers free Voice In Plus for all students of your school, college, or university. We had started the education program unofficially a while back but didn’t have the bandwidth and automation to run the program. Finally, we have an official program and a page for it.

Check out the Education Program page for details on how you can get Voice In Plus for free as a student.

100+ languages added to Voice In on Edge

For the longest time, the number of languages supported for dictation by Voice In on Chrome was 3x the number of languages available on Edge. We have finally closed the gap. The number of languages available on Edge has increased from 50 to 150 bringing it to parity with the language list on Chrome.

New Websites Supported

We recently added support for a number of new websites including Jasper.Ai, Practice Fusion EHR, Remnote, and Freshchat.

Check out the Voice In Supported Sites page for the sites we have officially tested and supported by Voice In.