Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the commonly asked questions about Dictanote are documented here. If you have a question unanswered by the ones below, contact us at

What Is Dictanote ?

Dictanote is a advanced rich-text editor with multi-language speech recognition for Chrome. Imagine it as something like WordPad + Dragon Dictate.

How good is the speech recognition ?

The speech recognition service has an average accuracy of 92%. Be sure to set your language/locale in the settings before testing the software.

What is Dictanote Pro ?

Dictanote basic offering allows you test the speech recognition service and the editor interface. The free account can use 1 note which is locally saved. Dictanote Pro gives you additional features and boosts your productivity. The benefits are explicitly listed below.

  1. Background Speech Recognition: In the basic offering you have to repeatedly click on mike to start speech recognitio service. As a Pro member you can access the background recognition daemon. You just have to click the mike once, it will start the speech recognition daemon which will run continuously in the background until you stop it.
  2. Notes on cloud: You can save unlimited number of notes securely on the Dictanote cloud server and access them from anywhere

I cannot see the mike. What to do ?

Dictanote works only on Chrome browser on desktop. Also you should have a mike available on your computer. Use your native OS to check its availablity.

What are voice commands ?

Voice commands let you do your common tasks more efficiently. For example, to insert full stop - speak full stop and a . will be inserted. Similarly say you are writing a mail and want to add customary 'Thanking You, Name', for this create a new voice command with text : 'footer', value : 'Thanking You, Name'. Now when you speak in 'footer', it will insert 'Thanking You, Name'

What are language settings ?

Language settings are used to set the language / locale for your language. This helps in greatly improving the speech recognition accuracy.

Dictanote is not working for me, whom should I contact ?

Below in the footer you will find a link to "Support Desk" in the Support section. You can contact support using the support desk.