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Time between text shows in the pop up and is actually pasted

Davi Khouri
  • 4 Oct '23

Lately this time delay has become unbearably long. Is there a way to shorten it or manually define my preffered wait time? Please help! Voice in has become absolutely unusable for me right now. =(

Dictanote Admin
  • 6 Oct '23

Hi Davi,

I had one other user report a similar issue. Does this happen in English or in another language?

Dictanote Admin
  • 6 Oct '23

Can you record your screen (you can use Loom or any other tool) and share the video? We can fix the issue once we can reproduce it.

Davi Khouri
  • 8 Oct '23

@admin, Hi! I'm using it in Portuguese.

What happens is the gray preview box keeps hovering for a very long time, instead of actually pasting the text.

The text is only pasted once I:

1 - Start another phrase (the problem with this is that I cant adjust the text before starting a new phrase).
2 - Wait a very very long time.
3 - Turn off Voice in.

I mostly use it with microsoft word for browser, but it seems to be happening in every website.

Davi Khouri
  • 8 Oct '23

It does show everything pretty fast on the preview box, but it takes a very long time until it is actually pasted.

Captura de tela 2023-10-08 134615.jpg

Steve Goldhaber
  • 10 Oct '23

I'm having the exact same problem. Has there been a resolution to the above issue, or is there a setting where I can change this?

James Meadows
  • 11 Oct '23

Yes.. thank God this is happening to others. It started happening to me as well. (English) It started today 10/10/23 at around 4:00 pm (PST), I'm not sure if you guys did a new software push for update, but this lag is killing me. It takes between 15 and 30 seconds from the time it recognizes a word and the paste it as text. The only work around I found is by hitting the 'ENTER' ever single time. I've reinstalled hoping that would help but this must be a software glitch.

tj.mims@macrosinc.net TJ Mims
  • 11 Oct '23

So this seems to be a rather recurring issue with many people using this feature. Do we have an update from the ADMIN yet whether or not this is being worked on. It clearly doesn't seem to be and isolated issue and is becoming a detriment to many people's workflow, so an update would be appreciated.

Dictanote Admin
  • 11 Oct '23

Hi All,

I just posted a status update on the issue at https://dictanote.co/forum/to…
Appreciate your patience, we will try to have this issue fixed on Dictanote and submit an update for Voice In by the end of today.

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admin unpinned this 1 year, 1 month ago
admin closed this 1 year, 1 month ago
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