• Please use the new forum at https://forum.dictanote.co


Edwin Bahling Jr
  • 3 Mar '23

Why doesn't a DOT show up when I say the word period used to and now it doesn't period I even decided to pay for the extended package thinking that that would fix it and it still doesn't you can see what I mean period

Dictanote Admin
  • 1 Apr '23

You need to add a custom voice command "period" => "."
See https://support.dictanote.co/…

  • 6 Apr '23

What's the point of this extension if you can't properly end a sentence? Having to go back and fix every period is annoying.

Dictanote Admin
  • 11 Apr '23

Voice In comes built-in with the voice command "full stop" => "."
You can check the set of built-in commands at https://dictanote.co/voicein/…

For period, uou need to add a custom voice command "period" => "."
See https://support.dictanote.co/…
Upgrade to Voice In Plus at https://dictanote.co/voicein/… to unlock custom voice commands.

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.