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Action command requests

PQ Nguyen

Are there other similar voice commands that mimic the functions of a Chrome web page, like <closetab> for "ctrl+w"?

For example, zoom in, zoom out, find tool, move to the next tab and previous tab, duplicate tab, pin tab, duplicate tab in a new window, minimize tab, maximize tab, etc. Other general action commands for keyboard shortcuts such as split screen, move back # words, letters, lines, etc.

Also, I don't know why I'm still having trouble with the action commands for keyboard shortcuts not being successful. I have a Mac and I've tried different variations of command/control + option/alt, but still no luck. Any advice would be much appreciated! Tysm!

Dictanote Admin
  • 1 Mar

Hi PQ,

You can find the list of all action commands supported at https://help.dictanote.co/plu…

The action commands cannot trigger Chrome shortcuts like Pin Tab, etc. What specifically action command are you trying to create?

Try creating a simple one like:
press test =>

This should press the n key when you say press test.

PQ Nguyen

Noted re: Chrome shortcuts. Consider it a features request then, i.e., to zoom in, zoom out, etc. :)

What about Mac default keyboard shortcuts? What do I write for the "option" key?
E.g., "paste formal” = "option + shift + command + v" ==> ?? "< press:option+shift+cmd+v >" ??
I've also noticed the keyboard action commands tend to fail whenever a letter is added, like in the example above.


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