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Joe Sweeney
  • 12 Feb '24


I am hoping Dictanote (specifically Autoscribe) will get an API so that we can push notes from sales meetings into an internal workflow. , I love Dictanote (I have been a user of Dragon and similar services for close to two decades.) However, the idea would be for our salespeople to quickly record the highlights of sales meetings with Autoscribe (just fantastic service) and then have that text flow into our workflow engine via an API, be matched against the appropriate staff calendar and account record, and added to the CRM notes. At the most basic, this would be the option to set a webhook URL in Dictanote so that as soon as a recording in completed/added to a notebook, it would be triggered, with the payload being a JSON of the title, time, and text content. The workload would not be huge for this addition, but the benefit would be massive. It would literally be an instant enterprise purchase for us.
Best regards,

Dictanote Admin
  • 17 Feb '24

Hi Joe,

This is in the works. Will let you know once we have something ready for primetime.

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.