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creating a general template to remove empty spaces in blood pressure readings

PQ Nguyen
  • 22 Jan

Hi, there -
Whenever I dictate blood pressure readings, there's unnecessary spacing in between the #. Is there a way to remove/create a template for this? Thanks!

Currently: 130 / 84
Desired: 130/84

Dictanote Admin
  • 23 Jan

Hi PQ,

Yes you can add a custom voice command " / " => "/"
I added the quotes around to show the spaces, in the final voice command, don't add the quotes.

Check out the custom voice command guide at https://support.dictanote.co/…

PQ Nguyen
  • 23 Jan

Ty! I just tried that and the spaces are still there. For example, "120 over 80" generates "120 / 80"
Is there a better way to dictate this?

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 6.13.09 PM.jpg

PQ Nguyen

I figured out a way around this -_- after much trial and error.

Remember to replace the [square brackets] with <angle brackets> and remove the quotes.
LEAVE the space after the comma. Otherwise you'll delete the previous character/word.

"over, [press:backspace]/[press:backspace:2]"

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 2.02.14 PM.jpg

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