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I have to turn the microphone off and back on again to see my dictation transferred to my text area

James Gordon
  • 29 Jun '21

when I first got “dictanote”, dictation worked just as it should.
My spoken words would appear in the text area automatically and quickly.
now, in order to see my dictated words appear in the text area I have to turn the microphone off otherwise the words just remain in the buffer at the top of the page.
I should not have to turn the microphone off and back on again every time I finish a sentence or phrase.
“Voice in” on the other hand works just as it should. The dictated words quickly appear where they belong automatically. The
This stopping and starting of the microphone makes the product very difficult and unpleasant to use.

Dictanote Admin
  • 2 Jul '21

Hi James,
That is not the expected behavior. Let me get back to you on this by EOD.

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.