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How can I create an action command on the Hungarian interface?

József Francel
  • 10 Nov '23

I use the dictatone program in Hungarian.
How can I add action commands?
Pl. withdraw, delete a word,
Say this to insert this
revocation <revocation>
delete word <delete>
delete the last word <delete>
delete the last <2-20> word <deletion word:n>
delete line <deleteline>
backspace <1-20>
Action commands - Selection
Say this to insert this Action
select all <selectall> Selects all
paste it <paste> Paste from clipboard
cut it <cut> Cut to clipboard
bought <copy> Copy to clipboard
delete it <delete> Delete the selected text
bold to be <bold>
tilted to <tilted>
underline it <underlined>
hit it <strike>
indent it <indent>
surpass this <outdent>

Dictanote Admin
  • 11 Nov '23

You can use the custom voice commands feature to add custom commands. See https://support.dictanote.co/…

József Francel
  • 15 Nov '23

It doesn't work, I can't figure out how to add an action command.

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