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First words of sentences are not always capitalized, especially in Google Doc

  • 20 Jun '23

Is there any way to make sure the beginning of every sentence is capitalized? When dictating in Google Docs, the first word is always uncapitalized and will switch to capitalized quite randomly, with or without a period at the end of the sentence. In fact 95% of the time, the first word is never capitalized. This is strange behavior, as when I first installed the plugin, it was better at recognizing a sentence. Has something changed in the backend algorithm?

Dictanote Admin
  • 22 Jun '23

Hi J,
The algorithm hasn't changed.
On Google Docs and only on Google Docs, Voice In doesn't have access to the html document to see what characters are there before your cursor. This prevents it from capitalizing correctly.

When you open a new Google Doc, we set preview to an empty string.
Then keep appending your dictation to the preview and use that to figure out spacing/capitalization.

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