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problems with "undo" and "deleteword"

Dada Krsnasevananda
  • 3 Apr '23

Hi I'm using voice in on an M1 Mac mini using the Chrome browser extension. Whenever I say "undo" it types "and do" or something else, even if I say it slowly. And of course, it doesn't delete the previous word. I mostly use Voice In for writing in Google Docs and Gmail. When I say "delete word" in these programs nothing happens. If I say it here, it works.

Hope you can help.


Dada Krsnasevananda

Dictanote Admin
  • 11 Apr '23

Hi Dada,

Undo doesn't work in Gmail yet. It works on many sites.
Delete word does work in Gmail.

You can custom voice command to map these voice command to any phrase. For example, adding a voice command
"reverse" => "<undo>" would do undo when you say reverse.

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