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Not turning off or working

  • 4 Mar '23

Every now and then, when I turn it on, the voice-in gets stuck on red, and won't turn off. This resulted in the voice-in function not working properly at all. No matter what I do, I can't get the red light to turn off or get it to respond to me in any way. I've tried going to other tabs to auto turn it off, closing my web browser entirely, but it's still stuck on red. Microsoft Edge is the browser I use, by the way.

Dictanote Admin
  • 1 Apr '23

Sorry for the extremely late response.
Let's do a quick 15min call to fix the issue? You can pick a time at https://calendly.com/dictanote

We have noticed some issues in Edge of late. Voice In works quite smoothly in Chrome.

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.