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Addressing the new permissions dialog with Voice In v3.23

Dictanote Admin
  • 3
  • 18 Dec '22

Users who received the Voice In v3.23 update have likely seen a scary-looking permission dialog that looks like the one below:

Voice In Voice Typing permissions.jpg
[Photo credit :Kevin Campbell]

In V3.23 the only new permission added is access to the page debugger backend. We just launched two new voice commands: <open:*> and <press:*>
<open:*> lets you open a webpage using voice command. E.g. <open:https://google.com>
<press:*> lets you do a keyboard press. E.g. <press:shift+enter>
Learn more at https://dictanote.co/blog/key…

The other two permissions always existed.

The second one is needed so Voice In can insert text into all the different sites. Here is the official text we provided Chrome Web Store:

The extension injects a single content script page.js that enters the user-dictated text into the input text field or content editable div in the page. The content script also adds option buttons to help with dictation that is only displayed on browser action or click-in context menu. There are 3 buttons: The settings button - which lets the user change the dictation language and change language shortcuts, the Dictation box which is a text area and a help message which is displayed on some sites where the extension doesn't work.

The third one is needed as one of Voice In's insertion methods pastes content at the cursor location via the clipboard.

admin pinned this 2 years, 2 months ago
admin pinned this 2 years, 1 month ago
Daniel leo
  • 1
  • 3 Jul '23

Ein Land mit O am Anfang kann manchmal schwierig zu finden sein. Viele Menschen denken zuerst an Österreich oder Oman, aber es gibt noch andere Optionen. Ein Land mit O, das oft vergessen wird, ist beispielsweise Osttimor. Es ist ein kleines Land in Südostasien mit einer Bevölkerung von knapp

Wenn wir nach einem Land mit O suchen, können wir auch die Städte, Flüsse, Berufe, Sprachen, Hobby, Werkzeug, Tiere, Insekten, Sportarten und Gebirge betrachten, die mit O beginnen. Beispielsweise gibt es den Fluss Oder, der durch Tschechien, Polen und Deutschland fließt. Außerdem gibt es den Berg Olympus in Griechenland, den Olympischen Spielen bekannt. Wenn wir uns mit Tieren beschäftigen, können wir Otter, Orang-Utans oder Ochsen nennen.
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Ashwani Sharma
  • 11 Aug '23

there is lag in speech and appearance of text on the screen.
microphone automatically get disfunctional. i have to press it again and again

admin unpinned this 1 year, 5 months ago
admin unpinned this 1 year, 5 months ago
danielleo3132's comment was removed 11 months, 2 weeks ago
John Wick
  • 7 Mar '24

Print Cosmo specializes in crafting custom packaging boxes that elevate brands and products to new heights. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Print Cosmo delivers tailor-made packaging solutions that perfectly align with the unique needs and identities of each client.

Tom Jim
  • 26 Oct '24

Thank you for the update on the new permissions dialog in Voice In v3.23. It's great to see continued improvements in the extension. Streamlining access for users will enhance productivity, much like how F1 teams constantly fine-tune their cars for peak performance on the track!

  • 11 Nov '24

It seems like the new permissions dialog in Voice In v3.23 is a step towards improving security and user control. Has anyone experienced any issues with it? I’m curious to know if it impacts functionality or if it’s just a necessary update. For more details, check out the latest updates in FintechZoom News.

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