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New permissions

Lamhita Prem
  • 3
  • 14 Dec '22

Hi, you've added new browser permissions for your extension, for example, Read and write on all sites, Access to the clipboard, etc.
What implications would this have for me, and would it somehow affect my security and privacy?
I re-enabled your extension because it was disabled by Google, but still I have some worries because I didn't find any news or press-release from you about this change.

Thanks in advance

Anil Shanbhag
  • 17 Dec '22

The only new permission we requested is "Access the page debugger backend". We added this new feature that lets you use voice commands to do key presses. For example, pressing enter does an enter.
You can configure for example line break to do shift+enter, etc. This needs the debugger.

Older permissions:
Read and write on all sites: This is needed so Voice In can insert text into the page
Access to clipboard: One of Voice In's text insertion methods copies text to the clipboard and then inserts it at the cursor location.
As I said earlier, both these permissions are not new.

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.