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Any idea why chrome extensions are not loading in dictanote window anymore?

  • 1 Oct '22


it seems that voiced in extension doesn't work in dictanote anymore. The extension loads up and hear me but words won't paste. (I use key shortcuts to activate voice in extension. The 'start dictate' button in dictanote itself still works)
Also I noticed that Google Translate extension also doesn't work anymore in dictanote window so it makes me think all extensions will behave like this. Any idea how to fix it? :)

Dictanote Admin
  • 3 Oct '22

Hi Michal, let me take a look at this and get back to you.

  • 24 Oct '22

hi. any updates as it still doesn't work on my end?

rkohara@gmail.com O'Hara
  • 25 Oct '22

I am also having this issue

Dictanote Admin
  • 26 Oct '22

Hi Michal,
Both Voice In and Grammarly work fine within the Dictanote window.

I wonder if you are using an old version. Go to Voice In options page and check the version at the top left corner. The current version 3.17

Dictanote Admin
  • 28 Oct '22

The fix for above was:

  1. Make sure you upgrade your Chrome to the latest version.
  2. Go to chrome://extensions/?id=pjnefijmagpdjfhhkpljicbbpicelgko (copy and paste this URL into a new tab)
    Make sure site access is set to all sites.

This fixed the issue. User had it set to on click.

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.