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Annoying bullets

Michelle Ricketts
  • 30 Sep '22

Since you did the upgrade I cannot seem to turn my bullets off. It seems to always want to start with something whether it's the check box, numbering, or a bullet. Sometimes I don't need any of those, I just want to turn it off. Why is that not working?


Dictanote Admin
  • 3 Oct '22

Hi Michelle,

What happens if you simply click on the bulleted list icon in the Dictanote toolbar? That should remove the bulleted list.

Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 6.52.09 PM.jpg

Dictanote Admin
  • 3 Oct '22

If this doesn't address your issue, please let me know how to reproduce the issue.

Michelle Ricketts
  • 3 Oct '22

Yes typically, clicking on the bullet list would stop it from being selected/turn it off. However, since the update it is not working. If I click on any of the bullets, numbers, or check boxes it always leaves one of the items in the toolbar selected.

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