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can I call your service via API?

  • 2
  • 1 Jun '22

I am Rohan, teaching Korean.
i have a website running on wordpress platform
Is there a possible way to call voice in service via API? or any possible way to call it

For example,
I create a button on my website which enable the voice typing (with/without having the chrome extension installed) which is calling your service.

You might be asking me to just install the extension to do so... but I am teaching young students too who do not have full authority to install the extension on their chrom browser.. and some parents are not even aware of chrome extensions stuff...

so... I am trying to make your service more accessible for these young ones.

Please help.
Thank you

Dictanote Admin
  • 1 Jun '22


We don't have an API endpoint and there is no way around this. You need to install the Chrome Extension.

  • 2 Jun '22

OK. Just out of curiousity, for the word typing, are you using google speech to text or amazon transcribe? or something else?

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