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Cantonese voice recognition

  • 28 Mar '22

Tried Cantonse voice recognition ... nearly as good as Apple dictation, the main different is Cantonese is far more complex than Mandarin and Apple dictation seem to understand the Chinese grammar, to figure out which words to use. Voice In not quite there ... BUT it is already better than even the China's own 科大訊飛 voice recognition system, their quality is quite far behind.

The biggest drawback is Voice In can't work with external App, WhatsApp, WeChat and a lot of other IM are mostly external App these days. It is already worth it's price, if can do external App even 2x more is worth it

Dictanote Admin
  • 28 Mar '22

Hi Kenneth,
I use it in Whatsapp quite regularly. You can use it at web.whatsapp.com
I get your point. Voice In relies on the browser and there is no way to use it externally - we are still trying to figure this out.

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