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Dictanote: shortcuts for "Cut to clipboard" and "Copy to clipboard"

  • 20 Jan '22

On the upper right hand, I see the buttons "Cut to clipboard" and "Copy to clipboard", along with "Share this note" and "Delete this note".

Is there a keyboard shortcut "Cut to clipboard" and "Copy to clipboard"? This could be helpful for using Dictanote with other applications, without having to select the text (Ctrl+A) and then cutting the selection (Ctrl+X). Just one keystroke.

If there is no existing shortcut, please consider adding one :-)


Dictanote Admin
  • 22 Jan '22

Jean, as you noted it is two keystrokes which is why we haven't added it so far.
We will revisit this if more people ask for it :)

  • 23 Jan '22

Thanks for the answer!

This would further enable the use of Dictanote along other non-browser applications, cutting the shortcuts by 50%.

If someone does this on every sentence, it can amount to a lot.

I hope other users chime in!

We have moved to a new forum. Please ask your question at forum.dictanote.co.